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Plagiarism Checker that Prefers Results over Numbers

By combining both technological excellence and intuitive design, Unicheck helps to achieve authenticity instead of simply pointing out similarity

Trusted by 1,100 Academic Institutions Globally

Academic institutions trust us as we create plagiarism prevention software based on their feedback. Most of them reside in U.S., Latin America, Spain, Belgium, and Australia.

Easy to Use While Hard to Fool

Extensive toolset and clear layout makes Unicheck the best option for those who want their text to be perfectly authentic

plagiarism checker for everyone
Plagiarism Detection for Education

Plagiarism Detection for Education

  • Effortless integration with all major LMSs
  • Searching across 91B current and archived web pages and your Library
  • Similarity links free from viruses, phishing, and other security threats
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in over 90 countries learn with Unicheck


takes to deliver a comprehensive similarity report

124 M

by people, universities, and businesses worldwide

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Complete the form below to get in contact with us. Please note that Unicheck is now part of the Turnitin family, so you may also be contacted by a Turnitin representative.

What you’re getting:

  • Becoming an official technology vendor
  • Increased customers’ network and revenue
  • All-around product onboarding
  • Full integrations, seven days a week
  • Detailed product and marketing materials kit
  • Joint marketing activities to promote your brand