
University of the People’s 10th Anniversary. First Tuition-Free and Non-Profit Institution Keeps Shaping the Education World

Higher education should be accessible to people from across the globe, regardless of their geographies, social status, and other hindrances that may stand in the way.

This is the philosophy behind University of the People (UoPeople), the first tuition-free and non-profit online university accredited in the U.S.

It was set up back in 2009 to help school graduates gain academic degrees in Health Science, Education, Computer Science, and Business Administration that would be acknowledged worldwide. On top of the HigherEd degree programs, UoPeople suggests participating in numerous scholarships.   

In 2019, UoPeople celebrates 10th anniversary with over 18,552 students enrolled. It is a great opportunity for all students to get valuable knowledge, gain a competitive advantage in the job market, extend educational background, and drive the positive change forward. It also comes as a big relief to refugees that may have little hope to earn academic degrees.



Within 10 years, UoPeople has been recognized by the global academic institutions including the University of Edinburgh, Columbia University, New York University, UC Berkeley, and more. The University has now been supported by various renowned foundations as well as big names like BBC, the New York Times, TED Talk and other media resources.

At Unicheck, we take pride in partnering up with UoPeople having donated our plagiarism prevention software to enhance submissions quality and streamline grading.

“We are delighted to partner with an organization we are so deeply aligned, working hard to promote academic integrity for all those who work diligently and honestly in the pursuit of higher education,” said Shai Reshef, President of UoPeople.

We do hope UoPeople’s great initiative will see an even brighter future expanding the list of educational programs and graduates!    


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