Despite all the challenges that 2020 has already brought, or better to say due to those difficulties, Unicheck has united the team on the front line for our users. We continue to actively develop newly requested functionality that will help you get the most out of plagiarism prevention in the new, fully online teaching routine.
Traditional academia is gone. We don’t need to be in a specific location to be learning. A couple of clicks and we’re already “in the classroom.” Technology plays a vital role in this change. What’s more, Generation Z, for whom tech has been an integral part of their lives since birth, are now students. Not to mention, “life-long learning” has become a new normal too. All these scholars have added a lot of work to academic institutions as they digest information differently from previous generations, and value mobility and freedom of choice over restrictions.
Without a doubt, these times are new and stressful for all of us. And even more do we want to keep in touch with you and do our best to help you go through these uncharted territories stronger, smarter, and even more professional than before.
To help you forge through the uncharted territories of remote learning more easily, we interviewed the leading experts in various domains of education. They are sharing their stories caused by this abrupt switch to 100% online in education to let you know we’re in this together. Also, they’ll be sharing some tactics and tools that have helped them during the days of social isolation and remote teaching.
Recently, the coronavirus pandemic caused all educational institutions across the globe to shift toward digital learning. This situation made the Unicheck team think about how we can help educators handle these tough times.
Interestingly enough, we’ve been gathering student records for over 200 years now in the United States schools. This evolution has been impressive to observe, given that it started as a practice to keep general records and attendance for each student.
The problem of academic dishonesty is growing at an enormous pace. Google alone gives over 261M results to the “how to cheat on a test” search request. And while some educators argue wholeheartedly that only trust to their students can actually inspire them to be as authentic in their study as the institution expects, others register unprecedentedly high levels of plagiarism in learners’ papers.
Contract cheating is on the rise. Essay mills conduct aggressive marketing campaigns with shady messaging that implies giving you a break from writing essays, helping to write a “plagiarism-free” paper, reducing academic pressure.