
Edsby and Unicheck Commit to the Future of Original Writing

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Unicheck has gained a new Edtech partner: well-known K-12 LMS platform Edsby. This new partnership opens new opportunities and offers tailor-made solutions for teachers and students, and takes edtech a step further towards the future.

The essence of the new LTI integration between Edsby and Unicheck could be truly described in three words, – “Collaboration, safety, and feedback”.

This integration will enrich teachers’ experience with wider opportunities for keeping students’ assignments original with pre-checks, draft submissions and resubmissions. As well, the teachers will be able to leave the comments for the students right in the reports facilitating the timely feedback on their work.

Preventing plagiarism in online environment

The new integration between Unicheck and Edsby will make the utmost to address the common problems of writing and satisfy needs of the teachers who need a better customizable place for assignment reviews. The decision will enable to achieve the best of the Edsby LMS abilities and performance with a help of the following features:

Smooth and seamless workflow. The seamless LTI type of integration is based on standard IMS protocol. The LTI Integration standard delivers a single, unified framework for embedding applications in the system making the workflow dynamic and flexible. For the students and teachers it means working in the user-friendly environment that functions as a smooth unit removing the necessity to log in side accounts or open multiple tabs.

The report functions. As usually, before using Unicheck the educator or the admin will be able to configure the report functions. The options give the freedom for the teacher to download bulk PDF reports or view them online within Edsby system. The same way settings enable excluding sources and citations from the report and tuning the plagiarism sensitivity in percentages or worlds. The comments straight in the similarity reports will create a collaborative environment between teacher and student, giving the students better chances to improve their writing.

Peculiarities of submission. In this integration, the students will have the chance to submit their papers in draft versions that is great for teachers who need to control the progress in the class more closely. After the draft is received the teacher can leave the comment in the plagiarism reports and return the work back to the student for refinement. After refinement is done, the student can make the final submission or pass the work to the teacher who may submit the paper on behalf of the student in 3 clicks.

Pre-checks for the students. Plagiarism checkers often don’t provide the pre-check functionality for students, leaving the option only for educators or instructors. In this integration, the students will be able to run the papers through Unicheck before making the final submission. This way the learners can be sure their assignments correspond to the academic integrity standards.

To sum up

The partnership between two powerful EdTech solutions like Edsby and Unicheck is a next big step towards improving the writing standards in the digital sphere. Such technologies can successfully work together identifying the risks for academic integrity, timely addressing them and giving the learners a substantial academic support in order to succeed in writing and learning.