
Part-Time Jobs for Students. How to Balance School Life and Work

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Student life is definitely a hard time, and it is twice harder when you are trying to harmonize studying and working. No doubt, nobody cares if you are exhausted, you should track your finance. Working and studying can’t but have a positive impact on you attaining new skills and experience, but what if it damages your sleep and health in general? You should be aware of some ways to keep things up staying happy and our Unicheck team would like to help you cope with it!


Planning is not just a well-worn word. Planning wisely is a half solution of the problem. Make a plan per week and fill in with the activities and time for their implementation. As you have already noticed, time is an amazing phenomenon, and the more things you are trying to shove in, the more spare time you have. Set the priorities, perform all the most essential things from your to-do list in the morning. When you are done with daily tasks allocation, and filled in lines of your job schedule, apportion time for health and pleasure. Fitness classes, yoga or even 30 minutes jogging will enliven your body. Do not forget to spoil yourself by eating food you love or meditation in a peaceful environment. Such pleasure boosters will charge you with new energy.

Picking a Day Off

And that is not a joke! One day off will bring you much more motivation than you think. Although it may seem bewildering, it is extremely effective! Just dragging about is more beneficial than it might seem. Setting your mind at ease, you allow your nervous system to take respite, so then your memory will be sharp again. That’s vital in thinking logically and creative and make smart and fast decisions.

Making the Right Decision

Part time jobs for students are absolutely various, so the way you may benefit from it is choosing the one you like. Doing something you fancy, will give you burst of energy. The time you spend at work will fly and you will not feel it like a burden, but more like meaningful hygge. No doubt, it may be hard to find a job of your dream that suits your study time-table perfectly, but try to! Also, be aware of not getting down to hard and demanding work. Being overwhelmed with assignments will make you feel hopeless and decrease your self-esteem. That is what you do not need right now!


Living life to the fullest may be tough whilst trying to learn and work. No doubt it will make you feel frazzled. The good news is to keep a wise balance is possible considering simple tricks. Studying and working should not prevent you from socialising with your family and friends or being stuck to your hobbies. True stories that you may find here illustrate major students’ problems, and ways to deal with them. Look through them and maybe you will find answers to your sensitive questions.

If you’re a freelance graphic designer, you can also opt for Designhill, one of the leading graphic design marketplaces where students can learn and earn by showcasing their graphic designs to business owners.